Coatings Care FAQs
1. What if my company is already implementing Responsible Care?Any company that is already implementing Responsible Care is considered to have fulfilled all the expressed or implied requirements of Coatings Care®.
2. How will Coatings Care® benefit my company?
Coatings Care® provides you with an organizational framework and valuable “tools” to evaluate and continually improve upon your company’s efforts to manage its transport, health, safety, security, and environmental responsibilities.
3. How does Coatings Care® relate to Responsible Care?
Coatings Care® and Responsible Care are complementary and supportive programmes. Coatings Care® will play a vital role in helping raw materials suppliers meet the requirements of the Responsible Care Product Stewardship Code: when a supplier’s coatings manufacturing customer implements Coatings Care.
4. What if my company is already implementing Responsible Care?
Any company that is already implementing Responsible Care is considered to have fulfilled all the expressed or implied requirements of Coatings Care®.
5. If my company is international will it be able to uniformly implement Coatings Care® in plant facilities around the world?
Coatings Care® is already in effect around the world. The International Paint and Printing Ink Council (IPPIC), works globally to develop and promote the Coatings Care® programme. Now in almost 20 countries and 5 continents, Coatings Care® is respected and supported by many regulatory agencies worldwide, IPPIC recognizes the need for flexibility with the programme implementation, realizing the different operating structures and requirements of countries throughout the world.
6. What are the Codes of Management Practices, and what are they based on?
The five Codes of Management Practices are: Transportation and Distribution, Manufacturing, Product Stewardship, Community Responsibility, and Security. Coatings Care® underlying organizational structure has been put together in a thoughtful manner to make your business more effective. The management practices are based on regulations, standards and common industry procedures, and take into account the spectrum of transport, health, safety, security, and environmental responsibilities held by all coatings manufacturers. Implementation of Coatings Care® will allow companies to integrate regulatory requirements, industry guidance, training and education, research, case studies, best management practices, material specifications, and transport, health, safety, security, and environmental data into one comprehensive programme.