Coatings Care Code
Product StewardshipThe Product Stewardship Code under Coatings Care® seeks to establish health, safety and environmental (HSE) considerations as an early and integral part of product formulation and to communicate appropriate safeguards for product use and disposal to customers. To accomplish this, product stewardship must be viewed as a shared responsibility and therefore understood by all those responsible for product formulation, manufacturing, marketing and customer support.
Product stewardship principles apply for all classes of industry products, and acknowledge the need for quality products which can be used and disposed of safely. In the workplace, product stewardship efforts support the employer’s responsibility for providing a safe workplace and addressing environmental considerations arising from product use and disposal.
Given the diversity of the coatings industry, the Product Stewardship Code is intended to reflect good management practices.
Transportation and Distribution
The Transportation and Distribution Code under Coatings Care® seeks to ensure the safe shipping of coatings products to the industry’s customers, and to reinforce the integral role of health, safety and environmental considerations in the distribution chain.
Transportation and distribution practices for coatings products are extremely diverse and highly regulated. This code addresses hazardous material transportation requirements, including those applying to containers and packaging, marking, placarding, and carrier selection. Storage and warehousing restrictions associated with hazardous material regulations, fire codes and use permits are also considered.
Given the diversity of the industry’s products and shipping practices, the Transportation and Distribution Code is intended to reflect good management practices.
Manufacturing Management
The Manufacturing Management Code under Coatings Care® seeks to assist companies in their efforts to conduct their day-to-day plant operations in a manner that is consistent with established health, safety and environmental practices.
The goal of the Manufacturing Code is to develop an effective management system for addressing health, safety and environmental responsibilities, including the regulatory requirements and related operational considerations that define an effective program.
Community Responsibility
The Community Responsibility Code has two major elements. The first element seeks to help protect employees and communities by assuring that each coatings manufacturing facility has an established program coordinated with local authorities, to respond to facility emergencies.
The second element assists companies in establishing and maintaining community outreach efforts that communicate relevant information and respond to questions and concerns regarding health, safety and the environment.